Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Stacy Hubbard: More snow days

We didn't go to school yesterday because of the snow, and there's another snow day today. The snow next to my bedroom has almost reached my windowsill! I went over to Carol's house yesterday, but there's too much snow on the ground for me to trudge through today, so I'm just going to stay home.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Carol Lampley: So much snow

It snowed nonstop yesterday. When I woke up this morning, there was over two feet of snow on the ground! If it weren't for the eerie silence outside, I'd think the snow cover looked beautiful.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Helen Troutman: Help for Gary?

Mr. Vealter told us that he knew a doctor from where he used to live who may be able to help Gary. He wasn't sure if the doctor could cure him completely, and it would take many days. He asked our permission to take Gary with him to see the doctor. I thought it was odd that he didn't want us to go with him too, but if this is the only way we can help Gary, I have to trust him.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Tim Vealter: The strange case of Gary Troutman

Gary's parents said that when they returned from the Thanksgiving festival, they found Gary at home, and everything seemed fine. They were all so happy to see him again. However, he couldn't remember what happened during his disappearance and didn't even know he had been gone for days. Then yesterday, his parents found him sitting at his desk in a catatonic state. He didn't talk, nor did he seem to notice them talking to him. He's been that way since. I've never seen something like this before in person, but I've read about one other case like it.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gary Troutman: Help

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Curt Wilson: Gary's back!

Gary left me a message last night when I was at the Thanksgiving festival saying he had returned and everything's fine with him. Wait till everyone else hears about this!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bill Abodeu: Happy Thanksgiving

I know that we have been through some rough times lately, especially the Reddenstone and Troutman families, but I still want to take this day to give thanks for the blessings we do have. I am thankful for my wife, our health, and our happiness. I suppose I should also be thankful for the money that Uncle Adam left me, but I still don't know what purpose he had in mind for me when he left me the money. Is it to make this town happier in our time of gloom? If so, I will try to do the best I can.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stacy Hubbard: Snow day

We got a ton of snow last night, so they closed school today. I don't know what I'll do today. Can't go out because of all the snow, but I don't want to be stuck inside the house all day. The good thing is that the nightmares have ended, just in time for Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Rev. Hal Carmichael - Just what we needed

I agree with the mayor that this town needs a special Thanksgiving celebration. The folks need to get out of their houses and see their fellow neighbors, chat with people, and take their minds off more unpleasant recent events. I pray for Allison and Gary, but I am of the opinion that whatever happened to them happened for a reason, and if something like it were to happen again, it will happen whether we have a Thanksgiving festival or not.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Larry Hallworth: Talk about short notice

Mayor Capie asked me yesterday to help put together a big Thanksgiving festival for the town. He thinks a big celebration is what this town needs to take our minds off recent tragedies. I don't know, the last thing we need is a repeat of what happened at the Halloween festival. Besides, what kind of a festival can I throw together on four days' notice?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Neal Capie: What kind of Thanksgiving will we have?

The people of Chyubaer are more scared than I've ever seen them. This is supposed to be a joyous time of year, with Thanksgiving coming up in a few days, and then Christmas just around the corner. The police still don't know for certain what happened to Allison Reddenstone and Gary Troutman. For all they know, both kids are alive and well. But how do we make the townsfolks feel better and take their minds off their disappearances so that they can rejoice the holidays?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Lisa Wachter: Scared for the kids

Thank God Rachel and Joey aren't old enough to want to go out at nights. I don't even feel safe having them leave the house during the day to go to school. Dan thinks I'm paranoid, of course, and maybe I am overreacting. But I'm still going to tell the kids they can't go visit their friends this weekend unless Dan or I go with them.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Carol Lampley: The curfew's OK with me

The principal announced at school yesterday that there's going to be a curfew from now on. Everyone has to be inside their houses by 10 pm. That's fine with me. After I heard Gary disappeared too, I didn't want to go out at night anyway. Who knows what kind of psychopath or monster is out there kidnapping the kids in this town? First Allison, now Gary. I don't want to be next.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Curt Wilson: Where's Gary?

On Tuesday, Gary was acting all weird in school and then yesterday, he wasn't in school at all. I tried calling him after I got home, but his mom said she hadn't seen him all day and thought he was in school. She started to freak out when she thought he had disappeared like Allison did, so I had to hang up on her. I hope nothing happened to him.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Melinda Abodeu: Another nut asking for help

That teacher, Mr. Vealer or Veater or whatever, came by yesterday asking for help in solving Wendy Reddenstone's disappearance. The police already told us she crashed into a tree and died. I don't know why Vealer wants to investigate it anymore. Just because they haven't found the body yet doesn't mean anything. It could've been that some wild animals took the body away. After all, it had been a couple of days between the crash and when they found her, and the snow would've covered up any animal tracks. For all we know, her body is twenty feet away from the car covered with snow.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Gary Troutman: What does it mean?

Instead of having a real headache last night, I dreamt last night that I had a headache. I dreamt that I blacked out when the headache struck, and when I was unconscious, I transformed into a creature - a demon! - and I grabbed Allison and her mom and dragged both of them down into a cave with me. It was just a dream, right? It doesn't mean anything. I don't really turn into a monster during my blackouts, do I? And I'm certainly not responsible for Allison and Mrs. Reddenstone, am I??

Monday, November 14, 2005

Tim Vealter: I expected more

What is with the police in this town? I know this isn't like living in a big city, but they don't have even the basic investigatory skills, it seems. The police ruled that Wendy Reddenstone died from her car crash, but when I went out to the scene, I saw no signs of it. There was no blood anywhere and no signs that she had been thrown from the car. The windows were still mostly rolled up and the doors closed, and there was no way she could have been ejected without smashing through a window. When I told the police my simple deductions, they didn't care. It's as if they're more interested in closing the case than solving it. They were quick to stop looking for Allison and even quicker to stop looking into what happened to Wendy.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Rev. Hal Carmichael - A sad time in Chyubaer

Today's sermon will be particularly difficult to make, in the wake of what happened to the Reddenstone women. Poor Wendy's car was found yesterday smashed against a tree just outside of town, her body nowhere to be found. Her girl Allison is still missing and presumed to have run away. If Allison ever comes back and finds out what happened when her mother tried to go find her... May the Lord look after both of them.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Curt Wilson: People are strange

Gary hasn't been the same around me since he was jailed. I mean, I can understand how being in jail can affect you, but I've been trying to help him out this week but he didn't want to talk or anything. I don't know if it's because he thinks I had anything to do with his being arrested. I told him I didn't tell anyone about our plans. I don't know if he believes me. This sucks.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Stacy Hubbard: Failed expedition

Carol and I decided to look for the cave from our dreams. We talked her older brother into coming along because we thought it wiser not to go by ourselves. He thought we were nuts for searching out something we dreamed about. He must think we're even more out of our minds now because we didn't find any caves. We traveled the route from the school like in our dreams, but the path we dreamed of doesn't really exist. There was no cave or anything. I guess it was a dumb idea.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Carol Lampley: What's the connection?

Ever since Stacy told me last weekend that she was having nightmares about the demon, we've been comparing our dreams because I was having nightmares too. We're both having nightmares, and they're eerily similar. Last night, both of us dreamed that the demon took Allison from the school, and we followed it into a cave. Neither one of us knows of any caves near town, so it's weird that we would both dream that. Part of me wants to try to find this cave from our dreams, but the other part is scared what we might find if we try.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Harold Dale: Poor Wendy

Yesterday, Wendy asked me for some time off to go look for her daughter. Of course, I told her she could take as much time as she needed. The poor woman, losing the only family she has left. I wish I could help her more. I sure hope she finds Allison. I want Allison to be alive and well as much as Wendy does, not just because I care about them as fellow human beings, but also the thought that the demon was real and it took Allison just scares the living daylights out of me.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wendy Reddenstone: It's up to me

I can't believe the police have stopped looking for Allison just because they think she ran away on her own. Is that supposed to make me feel better about the situation? My daughter is still out there somewhere, and God knows who or what she'll run into when she's out there. She didn't pack anything, her bike is still here, and no one gave her a ride. Where could she have gone to?

I've decided to ask for a leave of absence to go look for Allison myself. The next town is only an hour's drive away. Maybe someone there has seen her.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Neal Capie: Slowly returning to normal

What a crazy week it's been around here. Everyone was panicking because some people saw what they thought was a demon at the Halloween festival, and then the Reddenstone girl disappeared. Now people think the demon was most likely a prank, and the girl ran away on her own. That sounds like a more plausible explanation to me.

It looks like winter is arriving early this year. I saw the first snowflakes of the season this morning. Maybe a good snowfall will take their minds off what happened on Halloween and things will get back to normal.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Gary Troutman: Free at last

They finally let me go because they couldn't prove I was the one who did something to Allison. That's what I've been trying to tell them! I didn't see her at all that night! Of course, no one believed me, probably because they had no other suspects and that jerk Bill turned me in. I had to show the cops the stuff for the prank that we hid in the locker so they'd know what we were planning to do, which had nothing to do with Allison or a demon, that's for sure. I wasn't even around when the demon appeared. I think I blacked out or something, because I don't remember any of it, but I'm sure I wasn't anywhere near Allison or the demon.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Dan Wachter: I knew it was a hoax

The buzz around town now is that Allison Reddenstone ran away. When the police searched her room for clues and found her diary, they discovered that she had written several entries about wanting to leave Chyubaer. I knew it wasn't some demon from hell that took her. Demon, shmemon. I bet it was all just a prank. Kids love to pull off a big prank on Halloween.

I feel really sorry for her folks though, not only because their daughter is gone, but also that she was so unhappy here and they didn't even know about it. I can't imagine Rachel or Joey running away like that, but now we know to look for any signs that they're thinking about it.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Wendy Reddenstone: I can only wait

There's still no word about my Allison's whereabouts. No one has seen her since Monday night at the Halloween festival. She hasn't come home, and her friends say they haven't seen her or heard from her. The police haven't found any clues and have no suspects so far.

Some people in town are saying that the demon, or whatever it was, took her. No one actually saw the demon take her though. I didn't even see the demon myself, so I don't know what to think about the whole demon thing. All I saw were people running hysterically, screaming about some monster, but when the police went to look for it, they didn't find anything.

I suppose I can only wait and hope to hear something about my daughter soon.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stacy Hubbard: Still having nightmares

I still can't sleep because I keep having nightmares about the demon (that's what everyone's calling it) on Halloween. At first, we thought it was someone in a costume, but it looked so real that I don't know what to believe anymore. I keep seeing the red burning eyes and horrible teeth in my dreams.

No one has fessed up to being the demon, and everyone was accounted for... except Allison. No one has seen her since that night, including Carol and me. I don't know if she was involved in the demon's appearance, or if, God forbid, the demon did something to her.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Curt Wilson: It wasn't me!

They arrested Gary yesterday because of what happened at the Halloween festival, but it wasn't him that did it. At least, that wasn't our prank. Someone else must've pulled the stunt, or else Gary played a trick behind my back, and he wouldn't do that. His security guard friend ratted him out when the police started asking around about what happened. Good thing he didn't know I was involved too. I just have to lay low and act natural like I don't know what's going on. What am I saying, I don't know what's going on! That demon sure wasn't MY idea!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wendy Reddenstone: Where's Allison?

Allison still hasn't returned from the Halloween festival. I haven't been able to reach her friends yet, and I hope it's just that she decided to stay over with one of them without letting me know. Ordinarily, a late night out wouldn't concern me, but with all the panic from last night, I'm afraid someone got hurt. Maybe I'm just worrying too much. I'm sure Allison will walk back into the house later today as if nothing had happened.